Monday, May 7, 2012

Step into the virtual world of games, now with Wii Motion Plus - Technology - Gadgets and Gizmos

Yes, it's about time Nintendo improved that motion sensor on the Wii Remote. It gets a little frustrating to wave around crazily in any direction, only to see the game character move in only one predetermined motion. Limited sensitivity and lack of games which creative sensors manage to make the Wii boring after a while. But here's where Nintendo intervenes and brings our excitement back to blast.

"Man is a genius when he is dreaming" said the Japanese. Indeed Nintendo dreamed to have a gaming system with motion sensor joysticks that match the motions of the person in real time. The geniuses present in Nintendo pursued that dream and have now given us the Wii Motion Plus. The Wii Plus improves on what we had earlier described as predetermined and restricted motions of game characters. This device allows more complex moves. It even recognizes rotational moves. Technically speaking these two additions were made by adding a dual axis tuning fork gyroscope and a single-axis gyroscope into the Wii Remote technology. The presence of an angular rate sensor which measures the angle of the motion and distinguishes from complete linear motions allow the possibility of performing complex motions.

There haven't been that many games that have been released that incorporate the use of the Wii Motion Plus completely. However, Nintendo intends to release many games this year that will. Most notable, the Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. This game is the perfect example for the use of the features of the Wii Motion Plus. The swordplay in this game is completely directed by the real hand motions of the gamer, and the aim of the bow is exactly the same as the aim of the gamer.

Wii Plus enhances the gaming experience tremendously. It allows gamers transport themselves inside the game, something which until now other consoles have failed to do (though consoles like Playstation 3 are catching up with their own brand of motion sensing joysticks)

However the Wii Motion Plus, though amazingly accurate, is not completely perfect yet. Other reviews of the Wii Motion Plus have made valid complaints regarding the oversensitivity of the Wii Motion Plus. Oversensitivity in fact sometimes leads to inaccuracy. However, majorly and personally the Wii Motion Plus does beat other expandable kits of other game consoles.

"And now we present the Wii Remote Plus"

The Wii Motion Plus being an expansion device is to be purchases separately. However with the positive reaction to the Wii Plus, Nintendo has now developed a device where the Wii Remote has the built in technology of the Wii Motion Plus. Thank God for that. Incorporating the Wii motion plus technology into the Wii Remote (the device has been called the Wii Remote Plus) is be the defining moment of the Nintendo Wii development phase. Many Wii games scheduled to be released this year (many developed by Nintendo) are completely designed to utilize the technology of the Wii Remote Plus. Xbox and Playstation may provide the quality games and graphics, but it appears that the Wii and the Wii Remote Plus would be my choice for gaming.

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